Friday, August 12, 2011

5 Days In - The Plan

Alrighty, so I started working on this whole "eat better, get moving" thing about 4 or 5 days ago.

The weekend before I started, I binged like crazy!!

Gee, Kimm, I thought you were trying to eat healthy and better yourself?

YES! I am and have I mentioned how utterly excited I am to be bettering myself?!?!?!?!?!

<3 <3 <3
But, there are some foods that I'm banishing for awhile and will only be allowing back in for brief, special occasion visits, so I had to bid them a proper farewell.

Been obsessed w/these babies practically since birth.
Tell me that doesn't look good?!?!?!

Mmmm, chocolaatteee.. (in a Homer Simpson voice)

Might of been easier to just post this? lol
So after I bid my lovelies goodbye, I started bright and early Monday morning with the pieces I've decided on as my new routine!  My overall goal is to reach a place where I'm able to make good food choices w/the occasional, moderate, splurge for something not so healthy.  The splurges will wait tho, for now I'm stripping them out and adding some new things to boost the initial weight loss!

* EAT BREAKFAST!!!!  - I know this is super important and something I either skip entirely or skip due to laziness and then end up eating something really shitty due to starvation.  The reason for this is simple, there's limited time in the morning and my breakfast is low on the priority list.  In order to solve this issue, I decided on Carnation Instant Breakfast and Low Fat Milk.  It's super quick and it doesn't taste too bad, but it doesn't really fill me up.  For now tho, it's a start!

* "SPECIAL" DRINKS - I read a great "trick" to weight loss is to drink hot water mixed w/honey and lime juice.  The drink is suppose to jump start your metabolism.  Ok, it's worth a shot!  And anyone who's read any type of weight loss mumbo jumbo knows that Green Tea is good for your metabolism as well, so let's have some of that too! 

* THE NO'S: Soda, Candy, Fried Foods, Sweets/Pastries

For now, those are the gist of my "rules" during this transition to eating like shit versus treating my body better.  I will continue to drink my low carb or sugar free Monsters, 2 a day, it's an addiction.  As for my meals, they will be good, well thought out choices every time.  Snacks will be kept to a minimum and be health conscious as well.  A bad habit of mine is to eat after practice, but one of the new rules is, no eating after seven.  And, of course, lots and lots of water!

Haha, bet you'll never think the same about drinking out of a water bottle again!
That covers the food, now onto the get moving part!  My goal is to get moving AT LEAST 30 mins per day.  Not only does physical activity help you out health wise, it's great for mental attitude!!  I'm currently skating three times a week, so I just need to cover myself the other four days.  I have numerous easy options, my elliptical, walking the dog, skating at a park or picking up a practice.  I can't afford a gym membership right now, but I think these things are good starters for sure!  Once again, I'm not doing some crash course to loose weight quick, I'm trying to make small changes over time to get long lasting results.

An apple never looked so delicious!  ;)


Have an awesome one peeps, thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Operation FatNoMore - Gettin' Started

My initial comment on this blog needs to be that I am not doing this blog in order to throw a pity party or to get all my friends to say things like, "you're not fat," or "you're beautiful mamas," or whatever.

I'm doing this to keep me accountable on my journey to a skinnier me!!

That being said, let's get down to it, shall we?

So, my weight's been ALL over the place during my nearly 31 years of life.

Mommy's lil' porkchop due to me being allergic to breast milk, soy milk and formula.
Dad says the "special food" the docs prescribed was basically sugar water.
Hmmm, wonder why I'm addicted to sweets, lol.

This is probably me at my "skinnest." Not at all healthy, thx to MDMA, lol.

Looking healthy after getting clean.

It was pretty much "uphill" from here for a loooong time.

In 2008
Some dedication put into healthiness and bam.......

Post divorce weight loss of about 40lbs!

Me today (damnitt, right back up there, lol)
It's not something that makes me look down on myself or something I use to get attention.

But, it is something that concerns me and something that I'd like to change.

I know I have power over these two things:
* What I put in my mouth (sounds dirty, lol)
* How much I exercise
If I govern myself via self control, I should be able to make the right choices in the above named areas to decrease my weight.

As of right now I don't have a "weight loss goal."

What I do have is a general mantra, Make small changes increasingly over time and see results.

It's taken me many years to gain the weight, so it's not coming off in lightning speed. More importantly, I want to make changes that I can stick to for the rest of my life.

"You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance." ~ Lee Iacocca